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Top Things to Do for Children

Everything you need to get the most out of your stay


  • Hastings Fishermen’s Museum
    Rock-a-Nore Rd, Hastings TN34 3DW
    www.ohps.org.uk | 01424461446


  • Drusillas Park
    Zoo Park Ltd, Drusillas, Berwick, Polegate BN26 5QS
    www.drusillas.co.uk | 01323874100
  • Trampolines Hastings
    Marine Parade, Hastings TN34 3AJ


  • Hastings
    Hastings’ main beach backs right onto the seafront of this established seaside resort town so you are never far away from the town’s facilities and attractions. Backed by grand whitewashed Edwardian hotels and a two-layered promenade.
  • Camber Sands
    Camber Sands is a little unusual for a Sussex beach and the reason is in the name. Yes, sands! Unlike most beaches along the Sussex coast which are lined with pebbles and shingle held in place by a series of groynes, Camber Sands is covered in fine, golden sand. Not only that but Camber is home to the only sand dunes in East Sussex.
  • Broomhill
    Just east of Camber Sands is the lesser known Broomhill. Whilst it may not be nestled amongst the sand dunes in quite the way as its neighbour, Broomhill is still one of the best beaches around. At low tide the beach is a very flat and sandy expanse with the sea seemingly miles away. This makes it ideal for activities that require plenty of space, such as sand-buggies. When the wind isn’t up it’s a perfect spot for a paddle.